الاثنين، 10 أغسطس 2009

My brothers wanted to give you information on the new train in Japan and the genuine will be launched soon, God willing,
Of course, what is known in Japan train shinkansen新干线and currently used to move between remote areas in Japan
For example, to move from Tokyo to Osaka
Of course, the current speed of the train at 300 km almost ..

Now we know what some of the information on the previous train .. Oldest
As you train in the world .. Of course, the train was sitting Iswo tests and research of Zmaan According to what I have heard over the past two or three coming
Will be launched to the public ..

Of course, the train speed 580 km / h. .. This speed can be increased, but the common man can not withstand high speeds
Therefore, this speed at this time is a safe speed that can be borne by the human
Take to reach the maximum speed for a minute and a half

I leave you with a video and pictures and thank you ..

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